Odalys Martinez 

Volume 1, Chapter 1

How did the Minister of Plenty prepare for Hate Week and what occured? Why is it significant and what did it show about the people?  (pg 89 & 101 &102)

How did the Party keep an eye on their citizens and what could be the reason people are comfortable with it?

Knowing that their superiors were very much in control of their citizens, what can we infer about Winston and his childhood memories (pg 91)?

How is the Ministry of Truth different, specifically through sight (pg 91)?

On page 91, how is the slogan contrary/or not to our country? What can we conclude about the people’s environment and mindset? 

What was ironic about the Ministry of Love (pg 92)?

Why did Orwell compare Victory Gin to medicine and metaphorically name the cigarette Vicotry Cigarette? (pg 92-93)

Why was it important for Winston not to “deal with the free market”? (pg 93)

How is the book a compromising possession and shouldn’t he not worry if nothing was illegal? (pg 94)

What is the closest thing we have today compared to a SpeakWrite, acknowledging that 1948 was published before 1950? 

How did Winston feel about the film he wrote about in his Diary? (95-96)

Why is the girl who worked in the Fiction Department and O’Brien, member of the Inner Party relevant? (pg 96- 98)

Why is the thought police more significant than the patrol police?

Why did Winston have so much hatred towards women? (pg 101-102) 

How was it posible for Winston to receive a message by O’Brien sent to him through eye contact, what can we forshadow? (pg103)

What may be a parent’s worst nightmare and why? (pg 110)

What could “We shall meet in a place wher there is no darkness” mean? (pg 111)



Electirty is power down, my point:on what do flat screen work on

Ironic, flat screens. 

People were getting ready by sitting in front of screens

Maybe perhaps even all taking the Vicotory substances (products)

Telescreens: always on, always full view, everywhere and could hear everything being said, speak, write; Telescreen: Environment and feel safe that way?

I feel like the Victory Gin or Ciagreete had something to do with his foggy memory, he sems to remember things and dream yet can’t rewind or think about it clearly

It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air. From where Wonston stodd it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party. 

“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”

In Poli Sci we have been discussing how we give a little bit of freedom for our safety for this government. I believe it is similar but different from them not having a democracy. It is very strict on political positions and higher classes. It is used 

to keep all the people in control. 

It was ironic that the Ministry of Love maintained law and order; and have a frightening place; guards, size of gorillas, mean looking; 

I believe Victory Gin was created for the people to consume and believe they are a victorous country and feel it if it has any effect. We see the name Victory a lot like the Victory Mansion, so most likely a brand of theirs

They were suspicious with different beliefs, they were also not really cared of, 

There were no laws, so they had the freedom to do anything, however, with their dictatorship, their thoughts could put them in danger because they are not suppose to think, probably in way from keeping an overthrow of the government they created

Speakwrite, sounds to me like the Voice typing, however I am curious because I understood that he uses it to write, bu then he also had to buy a pen and ink to write for his Diary because it was a different type of paper

Winston feels fear. Short sentences show that he could not express the idea fully on paper perhaps because it was hard for him to rewatch it in his head mentally

They both held higher power than Winton and he was probably jealous, especially as we read that he would limp on the stairs because the electricity was out, I am also guessing he is not that young

Thought Police can make ou dsappear if you have a negative thought about the country, dicatorship/ and also its significant because I believe in the future we might see some sort of discovering the Brotherhood, or the ones fighting for Liberty and freedom against Big Brother by using their techniques given to read anyone’s thought 

I forshawdow that O’Brien might befreidn him and betray him once they find out where Goldstein is located, I feel like this might be a journey to find him

This does happen in my situations on TV or even books

Ironic - child hero, someone who reports their parents, really savage or ready to fight but never has it seemed that the idea of going against Big Brother comes up, probably if they did, they could because of the courage they have

Today, our society, youth are speaking up and raising their voices; they also are fighting mostly for equality

It is known that the older you get, the more conservative you get

I think where there is no ears to hear, or telescreen, darkness symbolizing Big Brother and his slavery 


In 1981 by George Orwell, being in the perspective of a citizen in a dictatorship country, we go through the first emotions and thoughts of doubt. Orwell helps us picture this world where everyone is being watched through screens and being heard of every word that comes out a human mouth. He argues how Winston, the protagonist, could or could not make an impact in the future with this diary because at the end of the day, the future may be lost more than ever. We see character traits that are ironically situations to the United States. A world where freedom is slavery is not freedom for us. In this insight, Orwell shows us the trouble many go through in society if they speak up and who’s voice is significant because of social class and government structure. 

Discussion (in seminar): 

Laurel “During Hate week you can say that ppl show their true colors bcz even w/ Winston in the sotry he transfers the anger he has from watching the telescreen to the women behind him” 

Slogan: Weakens the indiv. Mind and they will forever live in constant fear because of the propaganda produced by the Party. Waging war is significant, Demands to control the pople and alter their thinking. Might be a way to bring ppl together

 Winsotn goes see a woman for pleasure and there is some complexity because 

War is a symbol to accomplish their goals and seen as praise, totalirism

Posters Everywhere

Fake news, presidential debates on television 

Significant - shortsentences,

Reasoning with the future - warning 

Rebelling (diary ^)


Social CLasses ! not important that they speak up; could say they have more freedom than the “higher class"

Government doesnt care or mind about the lower class

Lower Class has more freedom - irony situation 

\”gimicing - hate expresing 

Even if they dont want 

Cholcate being reduced 

Memories wiping out 


Obrein - independet rebel 

October 14, 2020 (Wednesday)

Discussion 2

Julia says that there isn’t anything that the Inner Party doesn’t have while the Outer Party is starving, what is Orwell saying about his society? Are there connections to today and our society? (pg 220)

Big brother - who is it? = Incentives

  • I think that they use the phrase “Big Brother” a lot as a way to put fear into the people because he has always been referred to as a symbol of fear and power. I think they use it more as a motive rather than a person 

  • This does connect to our society because, in America for example, big companies hold most of the money while millions of epople are homeless and live in poverty 

  • Big Brother has to be a group of people because one can be overthrown really fast but if it was a group with incentives, they would be stronger

If the insitnc of parenthood systematically made children turn against their parents and they are taught to spy…. Why doesnt the party reveal? 

  • I think they dont reveal their intimate relationships because they are in a way telling people to not have any sort of relationship with anyone yet they are doing it. Connecting to Marlen’s questions, they probably want to hold a high standard to morals and beliefs, which is why the party is saying that intimacy is wrong. 

  • We should definitely be more united, in unison peopl eaccomplish much more than if they were trying to reach the same goal individually. While competition can be effective, overall working unison is much more productive and we should have more working together. 

  • As we can see, unity is always important, especially in today;s society. At this moment we are struggling to be united with the racial unjust that’s happening around the world so I believe we do have to be United. So we should come together and do more to live in peace

  • Having people together they will will do anything for eah other if they a strong relationship; 

  • Also the though police is suppose to do their jobs to keep this dictatorship going and these situation can be looked as flaws or failure

  • Julian adn winston seeing the bird was ree to live life as it chose and free of worries whereas Winston and Julia lived in this oppression society where every move was watched, so it would represent freedom of all things 

Bid: Sumbolizes freedom and life is sort of meaningless 

  • Bird can be seen as a threat bcz they have been under the rule of fear of how their life is truly not there own since the Party controls everything in all aspects of the people elifes 

  • More safety for those who follow dictatorship because they believe and are being watched 24/7 vs those who are not politicans and are not a threat (oerhaps bcz they are uneducted) and have more eliberty to speak 

Rumplestilskin - allusion: 

  • Big brother is an allusion itself to strike fear the peopl similar to what we talked to previously. And the party manipulates reality in order to make themselves sound like they in the right people eyes, but because the ppl edont technically know how to think for themselves they down question anything the party does in general 

238 - controlled 

  • Memories are bing controlled 

  • Winston even said that they party controlled their feelings and impulses to the point where they felt numb to any kind of emotion; Party controlled their feelings and impulses to a point where they felt numb to any kindof emotion 

  • it ironic that winston is engulfed with emotions when he is with Julia 

  • Relationship connects to winston and their mothers relationship by how strong winston emotions are when it comes to them, when remembering his mother he subconsciously though 

Discussion 3 Volume 3 


Yazmin S: In chapter 1, Winston is in prison and he imagines being beaten. He wonders if that will make say that he is with Julia. In life, people are put in situations where they are pressured to confess what they have done. Do you think the government uses that tactic to get what they want from people?
No, because of the amendments
the only way I can think of is through the FBI like through certain criminals, but they wouldn’t beat people up at least I don’t think they would pressure criminals for what they have done or if they want to find a hostage but those are the only reasons I can think of
Yah like in Criminal Minds while interrogating the criminals they use special tactics to get the criminal to confess. Our government doesn’t openly beat criminals, but instead use methods such as yelling and study the body language
Well, in regards to your question, in general I think not only the government if they do with certain people, but other people who are not necessarily connected to the government. Even in other countries I can see these types of situations. If situations like these happen on tv or documentaries, they are likely to have been situations seen in real life.
I would say it depend because we have seen some cases in the past where the government or people who work for the government sometimes abuse their power to make others confess to something they might not have done like in the 60's there were a lot of cases where sometimes the police officers and sometimes even judges would tell racial profiled victims to say that they were the criminals and the ones who did the bad thing because they wanted to just put them in jail and lock them up sometimes just because they didn't like them How do you think Winston was able to endure this torture, what gave him the courage to carry on? What are Winston's feelings towatds O'Brien?
I think Winston was spiritually lifted by Julia. He realizes that he must stray mentally strong for her. also, Winston identifies the fact that Julia may be enduring more pain than he is. But although Julia is giving him courage to carry on, he is losing love for her ( since he is physically unable to feel her presence). If this love for her diminishes, so will his hope.
In a way Winston feels that O'Brien is allowing him to understand clearly his memories from the past and his true feeling towards the party
Yeah, it probably does help Winston being able to get his feelings off his chest.
Even though he is the one giving him the pain in a way he also feels that he is also his protector. How is Julia and Winston seeing each other in the park evidence of the party’s newfound control over them? And why do they say they must meet again after admitting mutual betrayal?
Marriage was digusting, affair with Julian was passionate and wonderful and shows they stole their freedom which is being stomped on
Winston - even when he says he wants to meet agaian- he kinda knows they wont, it has been too traumatic ,
Ex: like when you tell someone lets meet up ad you say yes but dont deep down
We can see how they knew that they needed to betray each other since the party was getting to a point where they were attacking their personal values for examples their love for each other. So now when they meet again they are afraid of being caught once again. The party succeeds in putting fear in them.
Betrayal relationship
they felt to meet again in the guilt feeling that they were each others first true emotions towards anything so even though Winston doesn't want to meet up they feel they must do it once again
He admires obrein, thinks logically, and finds it intereting how he got to scumbb to big brother

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