My Brain on Thanksgiving Break

Of no School. 

** inserts fearful face **


How did I possibly manage to sustain my memory and learning momentum this 2019 Thanksgiving Break?

Well after long hours (during the whole week, even Saturdays and Sundays) of chores, babysitting, cooking, and spending quality time with my family and extended family, I took most (maybe fewer than most) of the afternoons for me. 

Despite the work and studying I needed to do and wanted to do, I still managed to tie it in within my daily life and routines.

For example, the mornings that I was not in a rush and I was making homemade tortillas, I watched on YouTube a video or two about history (for my APUSH class) or a video about religion to help me increase my knowledge and be more prepared in these topics when I have to discuss it with my father or committee. Sometimes I rewatched the videos to go over facts and capture something I had missed before. During the day when I was trying to do some homework while watching my sisters in the living room watch T.V., I would try to do everything with one hand (such as typing or reading). My youngest is super active and loves jumping around so much. I have to lie her down and massage her feet so she can relax and watch t.v. or take a nap. This shows how I tied my daily routines to my education.                     

Yeah, you might probably ask why not hurry up and then afterwards concentrate fully on studying. Well, there is dead time when the tortillas are cooking and when the other meal on the side is done as well. In addition, free time, or me sitting down is not really an exception when you have three younger siblings wanting to play all day with you and fighting for your attention. I really try hard to give them my attention equally but as always the oldest gets the least and the youngest the most. 

Instead of going out with my parents on Saturday's afternoon, I asked to stay home and work on some research and homework. It was great especially late at night I got to concentrate way better.
However, I did spend quality time with them on the days they ]]  

Overall it was a great and I'm thankful for my family. They really are a part of me and a great motivation. They made this Thanksgiving week memorable with the many smiles and laughs we shared which made this week living for... 💖

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