Literature Analysis: Kit's Wilderness P.1

          In Kit's Wilderness, David Almond's novel in a perspective of first person, is starting in Stoneygate with Christopher Watson (Kit) trying to fit in and encountering himself being allure to the mines and the past of Stoneygate. As a new resident at a town where his grandparents lived and his ancestors, he was told he was from the old families. He meets a strange boy, John Askew, who keeps telling Kit that they will be close because they are so alike, not only by being from old families. The reason Kit's family and Kit moved is to take care of Kit's grandpa because his grandma died. Grandpa tells many stories and introduces him to the town, even to the cemetery where Kit's full name was written in a tombstone with many others from his school. Kit joins Askew and his classmates, only from old families, to play a game of Death in a pit. Kit follows the ritual and on his second time playing he gets the chance to die. After what it seems like a blackout, Kit wakes up and see's them blending in within the walls.
          The theme of this novel is having a connection with your ancestors and being able to die once you abandon life. 
          Based on the Almond's tone, I can infer his morning routine consists of waking up early drinking a cup of tea to start a new day with a positive healthy mind to keep writing. His book was written in first person point of view so he would need to have enough time to get into character and think like the character he chose. He was really descriptive throughout the novel as he encountered himself with other characters so I imagine he was sitting in a sofa writing and being inspired from his past life events. For more inspirations, he was also probably looking through old pictures to talk about his grandparents as Kit's.
         A few literary techniques Almond uses are Allusion, Colloquialism, Epistrophe, Foreshadowing, and Mood which strengthen my understanding of the tone and theme. 

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