In the short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne gives us a short story of evil versus good; how anything/anyone you confront can win you over in ways you do not imagine and it changes you. Initially, Goodman Brown goes for a walk one late evening. Undoubtedly, we can read in the beginning that Goodman Brown insists on going for this walk, "of all nights in the year, this one must I tarry away...". He was just 3 months married and leaves his wife caring in distress for him. However, they have faith in God. They pray for each other and believe in God so truly that they feel protected against any harm. Along Brown's walk, he encounters this evil presence, this evil someone. In addition, Brown sees everyone whom he thought he knew well without purity as he used to know them. This changes his whole perspective about everyone, sadly, even his wife which is the cause he had an unhappy life until his last days.
     He was already waiting this visit since he told his wife he had to go. Furthermore, Brown does go for a walk and it is not a dream as many thought so. "Poor little Faith"..."She talks of dreams, too". The dreams they had; such as the ones Brown had had another significance. Brown at the end of the story also woke up in the forest and this shows that the whole situation he was in was actually real. Indeed, he did see the leaders of the government and leaders in the church all encourage his wife (as well as his Faith) join them. However, this could just be produced by the Devil himself to make Brown join him. The Devil's techniques would include everyone he used to look up to and everyone he loved. If they all seem to join him, then perhaps Brown should not be alone and feel shameful but so join, too. I believe that they do not remember seeing him there or even approaching him for they were never there. If Young Goodman Brown feels watched it is because his perspective on anyone change because of the new way he saw things. Even his parents had given in the with the devil but never mentioned it according to the Devil himself. We can support that his family would never mention it as well as any other group of people in fear to be prosecuted or taken out of the town for not being following a Christianity's faith properly. Brown's faith is lost but his dear wife Faith is not. She is not a liar for she stayed waiting for him. She was also having dreams which probably left her doubtful as well as having a husband walk to the forest to meet someone.
     Hawthorne communicates this theme through his diction, the symbols he uses, and his plot.
A few examples for Symbolism are: the staff - which turns into a snake; the town Salem - witches era.

Vocabulary Words:
Tarry: to linger, to delay in acting, coming

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