Santa Maria is known for its Santa Maria BBQ but also for their hard work in agriculture. Many low-income families are latinos working in an agriculture driven economy. Due to low wages, many families conform to purchasing second hand clothing or recycle their children’s clothing for younger siblings. I may not be wearing what is trending but I am grateful for the clothing that I do have because I am fortunate to. Students wearing overgrown clothing like pants and really worn out shoes became normalized for me as my years walking in and out of elementary and Fesler Junior High School. My initial perspective of this began to change because I noticed that many students and I were being bullied for our way of dressing. I wanted to create a solution without harming the environment. Some people throw out their clothing or store so many in their closet when it could be reused. I founded Odalys’ Closet Project, a non-profit organization in November 2016 welcoming the community to receive clothing breaking a social barrier. We worked with the Children’s Resource Center and also donated to other places. In Santa Maria High School, the Children’s Resource Center has been a key resource for the Santa Maria High School community because most low-income and migrant workers live around the area. The students go there all the time and it’s normalized. I hope to continue to expand this resource because it is essential to low-income families, like mine. In addition, one physical/mental health problem that we also address is reducing the bullying that students experience due to the way they dress or their family’s income. I think it is important to normalize where we come from and even though fashion makes statements, it does not define our potential. Bullying situations usually start on how we are approached and how we ourselves approach others based on dressing stereotypes. We de-stigmatize this notion of fashion and attempt to normalize second hand clothing by making regular announcements through intercoms and advertise our efforts through posters, as well as social media and school’s canvas.

Follow Us on our Social Media Platforms!



22 April 2017 

Altrusa Junior High Awards

29 Apirl 2019 

Youth Making Change- Fund of Santa Barbara 
Granted $1,476 

* Thank you for all the Support and especially Mr.Wall for the guidance and support. (Teacher and Advisor at Fesler Junior High School).*


In the "Landlady” by P.K. Page, he conveys that being overprotective can become damaging as oneself may think they are caring for someone but in reality they lose sight of their intentions. Page’s portrayal of the Landlady through imagery, selection of detail and tone emphasize the dark obsession hidden behind caring that occurs in this poem towards the tenants. 

First, Page’s diction personafies the house as a person who wants to take in tenants and care for them as a mother but is someone not mentally stable. Her caring ways start with her making the tenant’s “lives become exact” (Line 5). This house keeps them together and organized in order for the tenants to live comfortably similar to a parent figure or someone that could keep you accountable. The house’ desire to know more about her tenants is given human characteristics by the way her ears ”advance and fall back stunned” (Line 7) and the way she searches their belongings “when they are out” (Line 15). Generally, a bandit would have these characteristics as they prepare for their big move. However, city authorities and school authroiries also are able to search for others' belongings which is not something anyone would regularly do. Unfortunately this desire of knowing about her tenants is overboard even up to wishing them the worst so her curiosity can be fulfilled. 

Furthermore, the selection of details Page uses has a relationship with watching closely.* The doors being “like shutters on her camera eye” (Line 4) shows that she captured every single move making sure they don’t miss any detail like the camera one uses to keep a memory forever which is nice but stalkers can do it, too. Being very observant is not enough because yet she waits for the tenants to come home like a watchdog pricking when they sense their owner nearby. Without a doubt, the house goes through every moment the tenants live whether it is happily or sadily. The house “knows them better than her closest friends'' (Line 16). Page 's name given to the house, Landlady fits her well as the House has a lot of knowledge and we can use the stereotype that women, ladies, are the ones always gossiping and stay at home people so she has a huge amount of time to dedicate to gossip. This is proved through the descriptions and character traites a Landlady seems to have like a wife annoying her husband or checking him.

Lastly, the tone Page uses for the Landlady, the House, is an adoring desperiate tone towards the tenants. She shows her adoration by imagining to be in their shoes and their accomplishments and emotions. The curiosity of the “landlady” has become deperiate as she seems to drown in a slo motion time where she is not fed with enough information or her expectations are not met. As a home, she lives longer than the tenants and could receive many at different times of years and probably keeps wanting more people. 

In conclusion, Page’s complex portrayal of the landlady through a desperiate tone, selection of detail and diction through imagery fuses into a perfect and undertsable scenario where the house is represented by a toxic relationship as the owner, being the house with her tenants.


Deceive or Be Deceieved

Many works of literature contain a character who intentionally deceives others. The character’s dishonesty may be intended either to help or to hurt. Such a character, for example, may choose to mislead others for personal safety, to spare someone’s feelings, or to carry out a crime. In 1984, written by George Orwell, the protagonist, Winston Smith, lives in a dystopian country, Oceania, in which he tried to define every aspect from his life from wrong to right. However acting compulsively, trusting the wrong people, and becoming selfish leads him to unintentionally decievie the woman he loved and himself.  

It is evident that the first reason Winston deceived himself through his compulsive actions was from feeling free to becoming incredulous. FInding himself in an antique store and impulsively acting by buying a journal was the commencement before his acknowledgment of his criminal thoughts. However, his obsession to learn more and go against Big Brother drove him to further his thoughts into actions. He proceeded to write in his journal aware that “if detected” he is anticipated to be punished “by death, or… labor camp” (pg 94). In this situation, Winston is ready to test the limits of Big Brother and the power they have within the people of the Four Ministires of Truth. He internally battles with himself to seek his past, and with failure, blames Big Brother for his present where he has missing memories and is not satisfied with his way of life. He later meets a woman who he truly loathed for being a younger generation. Ironically, meeting Julia and having sex with her is a an action he willinlgy takes, even when jeapordizing himself and Julia’s safety just to break a rule. “I hate purity, I hate goodness” (pg 206). Essentially, for Winston and Julia, they share the same opinion and act against the laws of Big Brother and their tyrant governor with the suspense of being caught sooner or later. 









Odalys Martinez 

Volume 1, Chapter 1

How did the Minister of Plenty prepare for Hate Week and what occured? Why is it significant and what did it show about the people?  (pg 89 & 101 &102)

How did the Party keep an eye on their citizens and what could be the reason people are comfortable with it?

Knowing that their superiors were very much in control of their citizens, what can we infer about Winston and his childhood memories (pg 91)?

How is the Ministry of Truth different, specifically through sight (pg 91)?

On page 91, how is the slogan contrary/or not to our country? What can we conclude about the people’s environment and mindset? 

What was ironic about the Ministry of Love (pg 92)?

Why did Orwell compare Victory Gin to medicine and metaphorically name the cigarette Vicotry Cigarette? (pg 92-93)

Why was it important for Winston not to “deal with the free market”? (pg 93)

How is the book a compromising possession and shouldn’t he not worry if nothing was illegal? (pg 94)

What is the closest thing we have today compared to a SpeakWrite, acknowledging that 1948 was published before 1950? 

How did Winston feel about the film he wrote about in his Diary? (95-96)

Why is the girl who worked in the Fiction Department and O’Brien, member of the Inner Party relevant? (pg 96- 98)

Why is the thought police more significant than the patrol police?

Why did Winston have so much hatred towards women? (pg 101-102) 

How was it posible for Winston to receive a message by O’Brien sent to him through eye contact, what can we forshadow? (pg103)

What may be a parent’s worst nightmare and why? (pg 110)

What could “We shall meet in a place wher there is no darkness” mean? (pg 111)



Electirty is power down, my point:on what do flat screen work on

Ironic, flat screens. 

People were getting ready by sitting in front of screens

Maybe perhaps even all taking the Vicotory substances (products)

Telescreens: always on, always full view, everywhere and could hear everything being said, speak, write; Telescreen: Environment and feel safe that way?

I feel like the Victory Gin or Ciagreete had something to do with his foggy memory, he sems to remember things and dream yet can’t rewind or think about it clearly

It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air. From where Wonston stodd it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party. 

“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”

In Poli Sci we have been discussing how we give a little bit of freedom for our safety for this government. I believe it is similar but different from them not having a democracy. It is very strict on political positions and higher classes. It is used 

to keep all the people in control. 

It was ironic that the Ministry of Love maintained law and order; and have a frightening place; guards, size of gorillas, mean looking; 

I believe Victory Gin was created for the people to consume and believe they are a victorous country and feel it if it has any effect. We see the name Victory a lot like the Victory Mansion, so most likely a brand of theirs

They were suspicious with different beliefs, they were also not really cared of, 

There were no laws, so they had the freedom to do anything, however, with their dictatorship, their thoughts could put them in danger because they are not suppose to think, probably in way from keeping an overthrow of the government they created

Speakwrite, sounds to me like the Voice typing, however I am curious because I understood that he uses it to write, bu then he also had to buy a pen and ink to write for his Diary because it was a different type of paper

Winston feels fear. Short sentences show that he could not express the idea fully on paper perhaps because it was hard for him to rewatch it in his head mentally

They both held higher power than Winton and he was probably jealous, especially as we read that he would limp on the stairs because the electricity was out, I am also guessing he is not that young

Thought Police can make ou dsappear if you have a negative thought about the country, dicatorship/ and also its significant because I believe in the future we might see some sort of discovering the Brotherhood, or the ones fighting for Liberty and freedom against Big Brother by using their techniques given to read anyone’s thought 

I forshawdow that O’Brien might befreidn him and betray him once they find out where Goldstein is located, I feel like this might be a journey to find him

This does happen in my situations on TV or even books

Ironic - child hero, someone who reports their parents, really savage or ready to fight but never has it seemed that the idea of going against Big Brother comes up, probably if they did, they could because of the courage they have

Today, our society, youth are speaking up and raising their voices; they also are fighting mostly for equality

It is known that the older you get, the more conservative you get

I think where there is no ears to hear, or telescreen, darkness symbolizing Big Brother and his slavery 


In 1981 by George Orwell, being in the perspective of a citizen in a dictatorship country, we go through the first emotions and thoughts of doubt. Orwell helps us picture this world where everyone is being watched through screens and being heard of every word that comes out a human mouth. He argues how Winston, the protagonist, could or could not make an impact in the future with this diary because at the end of the day, the future may be lost more than ever. We see character traits that are ironically situations to the United States. A world where freedom is slavery is not freedom for us. In this insight, Orwell shows us the trouble many go through in society if they speak up and who’s voice is significant because of social class and government structure. 

Discussion (in seminar): 

Laurel “During Hate week you can say that ppl show their true colors bcz even w/ Winston in the sotry he transfers the anger he has from watching the telescreen to the women behind him” 

Slogan: Weakens the indiv. Mind and they will forever live in constant fear because of the propaganda produced by the Party. Waging war is significant, Demands to control the pople and alter their thinking. Might be a way to bring ppl together

 Winsotn goes see a woman for pleasure and there is some complexity because 

War is a symbol to accomplish their goals and seen as praise, totalirism

Posters Everywhere

Fake news, presidential debates on television 

Significant - shortsentences,

Reasoning with the future - warning 

Rebelling (diary ^)


Social CLasses ! not important that they speak up; could say they have more freedom than the “higher class"

Government doesnt care or mind about the lower class

Lower Class has more freedom - irony situation 

\”gimicing - hate expresing 

Even if they dont want 

Cholcate being reduced 

Memories wiping out 


Obrein - independet rebel 


 1984 by George Orwell              

Volume #1; Chapter 2; Page 112

“The past was dead, the future unimaginable, What certainity had he that a single human creature now living was on his side?... Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of the ministry of Truth came back at him: 




With prior knowledge that George Orwell had written this novel before a few things of the description he used became reality, the telescreens watching them seems insane. They were being watched 24/7 and were heard with every word that came out of their mouth. I could forshadow that he was similarly like The Tripod Trilogy, in which they were forced to think and act right according to their government and then those who oppose the system. It’s very strict political positisions and formality of class influenced me to think that status and wealth was not everything for the individual, at least Winston’s happiness. To support his actions, he went against the law and did not seem a bit enthusiastic about Hate week.

The novel starts with Winston watching how everyone starts to set up for Hate Week. The enviornment he is part of requires a lot. In order to keep everyone in uniform, they have many officers for many factors just as the Thought Police who can hear anything by plugging some’s wire because every sound and movement was transmitted. During this time of Hate week, the three slogans of the Party were everywhere. It appears right in the beginning, another after breaking the law by writing in his Diary. and another one currently in page 112 after having trouble to participate in the 5 minutes of Hate and having to transmit his madness from another young girl. 

In addition, 1984 ‘s literary work is so significant that it warrants a rhetorical analysis. Orwell conveys the importance of a dystopian society through pathos and logos to show why Winston feels uneasy about the slogan. 

Firstly, Orwell evokes sadness and anger through Winston when he writes in his journal. He sees the unfairness of the world and writes about how only paroles are the ones who show sympathy and care. When Winston writes about the helicopter killing man, them bombing a boat and more, he is in panic. For one, we can see that even though he is not a parolee, he cares, he observes, and it affects him (pg 96). Secondly, the fact that it is someone with a helicopter shooting instead of helping and the audience clapping creates a sick feeling of a dictatorship and sense of high control of the authority. 

In continuation, logos are presented through Winston’s logical thoughts. Even though he is unable to see multiple sides of the argument, he does doubt the system in which he lives in. Having the ability to think for himself and being a dangerous action is pretty inhumane in my perspective. However, when Orwell wrote this novel in the 1940’s World War II was happening and he was probably doubting if there was a necessity for the war. I strongly felt that it was related some sort of way to our government. War being peace is an ironic oxymoron that I can see. Even though we don’t have huge wars, we still have wars. The US still sends the army tropps to other countries and the citziens are proud if they come with victory. In the US constitution, we all know that we as individuals have a contract with our government to keep them in check and overthrow that government if it ever becomes a tyranny. The same way we are limited to do certain actions, which can be interpreted to slavery, gives us safty or liberty. For example, we are not allowed to go to a mall where there are more than a hundred people and scream bombs if there aren't any because it provokes caos and it isnt’ safe, unless there is an actual bomb. The same way people have to follow the traffic signs, perhaps slaverying the driver to the rules, gives everyone safety, giving us the freedom to travel anywhere. In addition, ignorance is a strength for a country as people don’t question the government's actions. In the case, Winston is. 

In conclusion, Orwell’s emphasis on Big Brother’s slogan is strengthened through the emotions he conveys in the diary and Winston’s doubting the system is part of. 







Crash Course Gove Video #1 : https://youtu.be/lrk4oY7Uxp (same Link as Below)

Introduction: Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics

Government is what is keeping us from an anarchy. It is just in simple terms a set of rules to collaborate together as a country and avoid having one person control all societies or avoid having disruptions. We study government to become better citizens and be able to participate and give our opinions in an informed and respectful way and know what we want for our state or country.

On the other hand, Politics is the breakdown of power within the whole country. It informs everyone who holds an office and how every citizen contributes to the office actions and therefore the country’s actions for the people.

Our country, the United States of America, is a republic. Meaning, we elect representatives to govern us. In comparison, a democracy allows citizens to vote and use their rights to speak up which we also practice.

Four ways people can participate in government that shows democracy is through voting, contacting representatives, work/volunteer for campaigns, and informing other citizens information (facts) about certain issues and solutions.However, through it all, the most important thing a citizen can do when it comes to participating in the government is becoming more educated and understanding how the government works. This helps you lead others and know when to act rather than following someone blindly and never choosing what you want to keep or change in your (our) government. 

Study Questions: 

  1. What is the government? Why study government?

  2. What is politics?

  3. What is a republic? What is a democracy?

  4. What are four ways people can participate in government?

  5. What is the most important thing a citizen can do when it comes to participating in government?

  6. What will you learn during this course?


Purdue University 

Purdue Online Writing Lab
College of Liberal Arts

  • The Basics


Last First Day of High School 

At Home

Last Night I had trouble falling asleep, I was very eager to wake up and get to class. Even though it was online, I did not mind and felt comfortable adapting. I agree, it can be hard for some and for others easy. 
I was in the middle. 
I got the hang of online classes during the last few months of junior year as I studied for my AP Tests and submitted work. However, it would have been really exciting to see new faces. Usually meet new freshman and guide them to class or answer their questions as a Link Crew member.   

I woke up to a new start. Well, a new start through meeting new teachers online. 

It went alright. I had a little bit of trouble accessing certain documents on Canvas but everything worked out in the ending. 


I was surprised we only saw our teachers once a week. I originally thought we saw each other twice but I realized I only had to be in zooms all day for 2 days a week. 

I hope this school year goes wonderful and I hope to finish all my applications for college!


Please enjoy a few stories I have written and improved on ... check the out on my BLOG : My Stories

Coronavirus Pandemic - QUARANTINED ITALIANS

Will the Pandamic Bring out our best ... or worst Qualitites? 

I , too, personally can see both things happening (bringing our worst and best qualities out) on media and in our own Santa Maria town. When the corona virus situation started, I did not think it would really bring us to where we are today. After going to a Fundraiser at Apple Bee's on Saturday morning (3/7), I went to Costco next. It was a bit early so we waited in the car. I noticed so many people gathered outside which troubled me. It made me feel like something was going on, which was and I was not aware of it at that point. But in that moment, it felt like I was in one of those media videos posted about Black Friday. Once Costco opened, people grabbed their carts and were running, literally running to only one area. I was curious so I left my mom and took my sister to see what was going on. I'm not the typical person to head to the crowd if there is a fight at school, but adults running was a totally another scary thing. The bottle water area was full with carts traffic where employers shouted 2 per card. Since then, I haven't gone out to a store but I have seen multiple videos online where the people are hoarding items and even fighting, sometimes even being disrespectful to our elders or Asians because of the stereotype that they are most likely carrying the corona virus. My father usually goes out to lunch with my my mom on work days. In the afternoon, he mentioned that he saw an elder man crying, Which did hit me hard. Not a while ago, long story short, he told us about how he helped an elderly stranger get up after not being able to stand. If my father had not been there at that moment, who knew what would have happened or for how much longer the man would be laying on the floor. I agree with Bekah, it is our turn as youth members of any community around the world to take care of our world and help others around us, especially the ones who cared for us. The Colvin brothers actions were a negative outcome that prove that us, as humans beings, are bringing more worst qualities out than positives. Many people are inflating these prices to the pubic and not everyone is getting a penalty. However, I think like Erica mentioned that this pandemic has also lead us to reflect how important our family is. In addition to seeing your comment, Mr. Orlick, on Areli's post that "we need to not forget that education has, and always will be, a privilege" connects to what I had to say to Dr. Preston's journal question "How is this going to work?" Even though school turned to virtual for those who want to continue, it will show who will take that advantage given and who is determined to keep up. However, I'll keep in mind that not everyone had the same advantages. I just hope that those who do have their necessary resources  would use them. But also balance their time and spend time with their families in a quality manner, not in which your there physically but not there mentally. 
I personally think that it is bring the best in me in a different way in which I am learning. There are chores and assignments to balance and more responsibility. Like Miguel mentioned: on the bright side we all have more time to sleep. I am actually enjoying it, these couple of days, as I have spent time reading, going outside in the rain with my sister to chase the cats who leave their dirty, spending more time to cook meals I never thought I would because I was limited with time, and bonding again with my sisters when all 4 of us can get along. For some reason, I am not as afraid as "overacting people" seem yet. I have faith that in the end we will overcome this all together. And if it does get worse, I hope people find solutions such as start to grow their own foods and find a way to continue to grow the fields to provide food for their community with the work and contribution of the community, and trade for the sake of all of us to get along and live more peacefully economically than conducting violence as a solution in addition to the fear we already have. 

PRICE CHECK - Coronavirus Pandemic

So today I will include you in my thoughts as I read an article shared by someone, which is why I would like to share it with you as I go into it.

To start off, it's published by The U.S. Sun written by Lottie Tiplady-Bishop on the 16th of March of 2020. 

In the 15 second video, well, I assume is one of the brothers admits that he bought these supplies and did try to sell them for higher prices around his town, however it was higher online. Makes me think that he is one of those people who tried to sell a pack of water for more than 300 dollars; and was not even sorry. 

"A PAIR of brothers who stockpiled 17,700 bottles of dollar store hand sanitizer to sell for $70 each say they have been forced to give them all away following a huge social media backlash."

This shocking footage does show fully boxes piled on top of each other, which was worth over $15, 000. Coronavirus did cause a lot of greedy people to inflate prices on the internet. I know people who won't and can't afford these higher prices when everyone else is hogging the supplies we have and that are offered at the stores. 

Unsurprisingly, these brothers might be facing "legal action after a state of emergency was triggered in the state" for price gouging. Yet, it's a bit unfair they have to suffer these consequences when others are still hiding their sales with high prices. All the people who inflate these prices do deserve their appropriate penalties. 

"Twitter users blasted the brothers as 'conmen' and 'snake oil salesmen."' 
Connecting it back to U.S History, it reminded me of the Robber Barons with Horizontal and Vertical Integration.  
"Another user added: 'When you are forced to do the right thing, is it really doing the right thing?'" 
Inl life, mi


the great gatsby

- the last line of the book is arguably the most important "So we bear on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." This line embodies the thematic conflict that defines The Great Gatsby that the American Dream is unattainable.

- Gatsby desire for success - however we define it- is evidence of the American dream, obsession, and lack of self-love and worth. Gatsby symbolizes our culture and even our desires. He isn't an outlier, because if he were, then all of us are which make us uniquely the same.

- Fitzgerald's characterization creates a tone around the theme of happiness.  His attitude towards happiness is that it is false. Even with all the riches in the world, you can't be really happy. I think his attitude is influenced by love, external markers such as wealth, and trying to repair or re-live the past.

- The notion of the American dream figure prominently in this story. The readers, like my classmates and I, define the American dream as being happy, being successful and full of prosperity with a lot of opportunities. Moreover, I believe the American dream may be a good thing. It can give you the motivation to get up everyday and live the way you want. However, in reality, our world is split by classes with the wealthy making all our choices in the top. with the wealthy saying they are representing "you and me", people who are making choices based on how the way they see our lives without any knowledge of experience. In this reality, it's so rare to see any boy from a low income family to be successful. 


Monday 3.2.20

Today, as it is collaboration day, we came out of school at 1:55. We caught the bus at the transit center by 3.

Later on in the afternoon, around 4:30ish, we were snacking on mangos and other frutas picadas. My dad sat down on the chair and began to say that something really unexplainable had happen to him today.

To start off, both my parents work together, however, my mother didn't go to work today. So, of course, we were all intrigued to know what occurred.

My father had said that he was parking his car on the site of his work where he maintains the garden and landscape. Right after getting off the truck, he notices a broken sprinkler across the street. One of his co-worker and himself walked over directly to offer their help with the broken sprinkler and knocked on the door.

An elderly woman opened and worriedly, went outside and said that her gardener was coming on Saturday. However, with the language boundary, my father couldn't quite understand. He caught fragments of her sentences understanding something about needing help with moving a bed to the bathroom or the something in the bathroom to the bedroom. My father and his co-worker were confused. The concerned and suspicious woman let them in and inside there was an a man laying on the ground. It seemed to be her partner whom she lived with.

With an angry response, the man demanded to know who these strangers were. My father noticed something on his legs like an ankle bracelet and understood the situation. The man did not want to be picked up and moved to the bed until his nurses came. My father attempted to talk to him. Yet, he seemed uncomfortable for he saw these two strangers come into his home. He trusted what appeared to be his wife as she explained that they worked across the street.

The woman asked my father and his co-worker "Where are you from?". She seemed to be speechless and really thankful. Trying to look at it in the woman's perspective, I believe it was something else explainable. You may call it coincidence. However, I believe it was God doing. The broken sprinkler could of been his sign to help this couple inside the house.



He was writing this book two years later. There was a simple statement that Wilson was a mad- man for killing someone and then eventually killing himself.

Nick was found on Gatsby side, and he was very alone.

So I tracked the responses of the other people. Most of these questions were addressed to Nick and he realized he was responsible.

Daisy had gone with Tom away and took a baggage with them. So when Nick tried to call her, he couldn't reach her.

Meyer Wolfshiem did not even answer the phone. He seemed to be busy.

Nick sent a letter and hoped the newspaper would inform others about thier loved one, however no response from Wolfshiem and Daisy.

In the letter from Wolfshiem, he had many run-on senteces which demonstrates that he he wrote it without a care or in a hurry.

Henry C. Gatz- Gatsby father, when he found out, he immediatly came. He had emphasize that the man that killed him was a mad man.
He did not want to take the body west but leave it east where Gatsby wanted to be and grow.

Klipspringer - man who went to the parties Gatsby had and was just there.
Nick was in a call with Klipspringer and Klipspringer wanted his shoes more than attending Gatsby funeral.

Wolfshiem's gone to "Chicago" by the secretary.
The fact that he hands down a cigar shows that he wasn't in grief because a cigar would show celebration.

Post-man showed up. This was a comparison to all the other people who did not show up. The post-man, one who Nick did not even know. He never came to drink wine or to party.

Nick is in the funeral and he is reflecting about his past. Where has has been. Where he is now. Where he will be in the future and the person he is growing. He reflects how he is that part of that Middle West. Even when he was excited about the East, it seemed unadaptable fro some reason.

Now, he wants to come back home, where everything is better and more normal.

One afternoon late in October, Nick saw Tom Buchanan. He confronted him about him setting Gatsby up so he can be killed.

Gatsby was so close to the light and almost there. However, it was already in the past. In the end, no matter how much we have tried to change what have happen, we should keep on flowing with the present.



1. Finish notes and thoughts on Chapter 8 (title: GATSBY CHAPTER 8 NOTES AND THOUGHTS)

2. Notes and thoughts on Chapter 9 (title: GATSBY CHAPTER 9 NOTES AND THOUGHTS)

3. Answer the following questions (title: WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT GATSBY)

(Suggested opening: "The great thing about The Great Gatsby is that the characters and their decisions also reflect life in America today.  For example...")

1. Is Gatsby great?  Is he even good?  Why/ why not?
2. Nick opens the book by complimenting himself for his honesty.  Is Nick honest with himself?  Why does he constantly hang out with dishonest people?  Why does he respect them and seek out relationships with them?

3. Fitzgerald describes Daisy and Tom this way: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”  What does this mean?  Do you agree?
4. Do you understand Daisy's behavior?  Do you agree with her choices?  Is she a person you would let your brother/son/friend date?
5. The last line of the book: "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."  What does this mean?  How does it relate to the theme/s of the book?

Gatsby Chapter 8


In the beginning of the chapter, Gatsby waiting for Daisy to switch the light for 6 hours!!! She knew he would be out there, how could she kill a woman and then treat Gatsby like he was not important.
Nick suggest that Gatsby should go away for some time. Gatsby rejects his advice and decides to stay because he wanted to know what Daisy would do.

Gatsby, with his invisible cloak of his uniform made him noticeable like the other guys. Without it, he was indivisible. Gatsby "took her because he had no real right to touch her hand". He made her believe that he would take care of her and a sense of security, even though he could not provide much for her because he was a poor boy. However, he did not despise himself. He only committed himself to her. He felt married to her instead of feeling like moving on like many other guys would when they got what they wanted.

Gatsby says that Daisy and himself left off loving each other and knowing that they were for each other in his perspective.

Daisy was never looking for someone perfect but someone right at that moment she wanted.
Gatsby is in pain. When he was younger he went to see where she lived after she was married.
This book is really sensitive to the seasons.
In the fall, things die starting with Myrtle.

Nick did not want to leave Gatsby. Gatsby real purpose was innocent. He just loved a girl and wanted to impress her. However, this cause problems.

Wilson grew quieter and began to talk about the accident and his wife. He flinched at the idea about trying to admit that his wife had someone else.

George Wilson found out that the yellow car that killed his wife belonged to Gatsby. In search for him, he traveled by foot until he found where he lived. He then shot Gatsby and killed himself, too. 

Chapter 7: Gatsby *

Gatsby stopped having parties because he started meeting with Daisy and wanted her to come over to his place. In addition he fired his staff because those who are there can spread rumors or out them for seeing each other. It was the beginning of something new for Gatsby and he wanted it to work out so they can be together. Gatsby replaced with more serious people who have relations with Wolfsheim. They were way more serious and kept to themselves. They knew if they talked, it could mean trouble.

Daisy boasted about her daughter. However, she hated they had to be a girl. In contrast, gatsby-

The "outing" to New York is
The confrontation between Tom and Gatsby

Daisy, she, did not have any moral sense of what to do and acts upon what they tell her to do. She is just roaring around and hurting their emotional feelings. This is symbolic and represented physically when she is behind the wheel and runs over Myrtle, and Myrtle dies. IT WAS A HIT AND RUN.
Few minutes later, Tom's reaction was "good" because at least one of his businesses was being taken over.
Tom kind of pointed fingers at Gatsby which Wilson now believes killed his girlfriend.
Nick's interpretation of Jay changes.
Tom's wide kills Tom's mistress without knowing who she was on accident :0

At the end of the chapter, Gatsby was standing there in the moonlight "watching over nothing". There was nothing for Gatsby so why does he keep waiting for her. She was his princesses, yet, she acted out of range and selfish.

Tom and Daisy also seem to be conspiring!!!


Laudable: Worthy of Praise
Notoriety: popular, famous
Meretricious: fairly attractive while having in reality no value or integrity 
Contemptuous: showing contempt, scornful, 
Conceits: appreciative of one's worth value 
Ineffable: speechless, beyond description
Gaudy (gaudiness): too bright or showy, more or less tasteless 
Ramifications: a consequence (or effect) of an action or event 

A young reporter showed up to Gatsby's door on Gatsby's day off. Gatsby with a "laudable initiative" opened the door. We can interpret that he gracefully opened the door since he was awaiting Daisy to come after Gatsby's plan for Nick. 
until he felt short of being news - anything he did as close to being news like him walking outside 
We learn that James Gatz his his legal name and that he had it changed at 17. Or so it seemed since he invented it as a conception of his dream to be. 
he felt pressured as he was huanted at night 
He as a fisherman(sound fisher) , janitor, clamdigger, 

  • Yesterday I mentioned the foreshadowing of seeing a picture of Dan Cody.  Who is he?  What is the REAL story of Jay Gatz?  How do alcohol and money figure into that story, and what does Gatz/Gatsby learn/take away as a result?
  • Describe the conversation between Gatsby, Tom, and Mr. & Mrs. Sloane. Do these people like each other or enjoy each other's company?  Why are they hanging out with each other?
  • Describe Tom and Daisy's experience at Gatsby's party. 
  • Gatsby thinks that he can recreate the moments and the love that he and Daisy shared in Louisville.  He thinks that money will influence Daisy and get him what he wants.  Based on what you know about Daisy-- and what you know about life-- what do you think?


In the beginning of the chapter, Gatsby goes all over his house. Nick compliments Gatsby as Gatsby walks towards him. Gatsby "waited, looking at me with suppresses eagerness" shows that he knew that Nick should already know the plan and was waiting for Nick to mention it. 

I smiled at the idea that he even let Nick choose the day which suited him because he did not want any trouble. He was trying to make it seem like he did not really mind or expect it to be NOW or SOON. Some people when asking a favor sound demanding and usually it lets down others and the favor does not get done.

During the small conversation, Gatsby introduces a delicate topic. He offered Nick a job in relation to Gatsby's little side business. At first, I thought the same thing, something in relation to Wolfshiem. Gatsby confirmed that it was not business with Wolfshiem, however, he ended up going home without any other word. Yet, on the day planned for Gatsby and Daisy, Gatsby sent a guy to cut Nick's grass. He seemed extremely worried and really wanting for this day to come because of his pale face and dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes. Yet, it seemed like he as not a bit too happy for the hollowness in his voice. 

The scenery and environment gives off a sad feeling. A rainy day...
and Gatsby awaited with vacant eyes. 



Chapter 4 Notes

educated at oxford
little montenegro - troubled history 

hasitly magazines
his words are well rehearsed its completely unbelieveable 
used stuff and nick kbelieved it all 
I really need to tell you - matter 
nick was more annoyed than interested 

non-olfactory money smell
when ur from afar- '

beginning - people come to the party - theme : seem to be famous, seem to be rich 
but backstories all seem to be tragic 
discriptions are rasist
human teeth for cuffings on sleeves

single biggest world series in 1919
took money from gamblers to loose so gamblers can make money 

gatsby know one the gamberles to sit with him for lunch... so h=who is h=this gatsby /]

why did gatsby run off?

thats why he thtows party and he lives in front of daisy pier



Nick and Jordan - Jordan just seems to be there vs Gatsby and his girl,


Chapter 1:
1. How does Nick describe himself in the beginning and why is this important?
2. How does Nick describe Tom Buchanan and in addition, how is analyzing the implicit characterization help you know more about his persona?

Chapter 2:
1. How did Nick get to meet Tom's misstress and who is she?
2. How does Tom's mistress character change in regards being with Tom?

Chapter 3:
1. In Gatsby party, how do the people behave?
2. Why did Nick attend the party compared to the other guests?

Chapter 4:
1. What does Gatsby confide to Nick about his past?
2. Why does Gatsby leave when Nick tries to introduce him to Tom?
States schools limit what they can offer

private schools - are tuition like a sticker on the car 
apply and read your application 
instead of saying i got a 3.5 gpa 

private scholarships 

WhERE's the money 

We had a socratic room

We talked about our big questions










Gatsby Chapter 3 Analysis

drinks makes it easier to laugh
contemptuous - jealousy ...

Chapter 2 last half 2/6/

Monte Carlo
casino place
Catherine blames fro being gypped but not true
kike - A jewish person = to w word thats harsh on mex/aa/etc.
his feeling like an outsider even though he is inside
time flew quickly -
nine clock to 10 - whiskey

his diction changes because he becomes drunk
as well as the mistrees diction changes
she is married to a mechnaic and once with Tom she acts like shes all rich and that she could get anything, I belive bcz she knows tom has money

Tom's wife is off limit, however, Mrs. Wilson kept saying it and tom broke her nose with his open hand - hierachy wife is on top of mistress , mistress feels high of herself


Valley of the Ash land, a wasteland
Beautiful ppl and Beautiful place, the eyes see a differnet thing
cheatin part woman walks past husband and tells him to get chairs, which no one uses bcz they leave
127 pictures-back then goldand worth


I've been thinking about my Big Question lately.
I plan to ...



Paul Simon is an American Musician. He sings and composes his own music, as well peruses an acting career. In 1986, Simon released his album Graceland on August 25. Starting with the Story of Graceland, it was really interesting that in that same year it was named Album of the Year. A family from South African had to come to the United States.

I believe this album qualifies as a topic taught in American Literature because it's produced and written in the United States. 

Today's Lecture 1/12 - 1/15

Evolution on his thinking
technology - not a big business

ceo - as many as 6 computers

bill gates said something half a megabite - 1000 gb
no one will ever need more than that phones avg 64 

it was not really a hobby that was pefesiional 

ppl inventing online services everyday 
no many users but many services

catcandy? taxi 

no formal education in tech --> it somehow spoke to you 
didnt matter your degree, just excitment and so much money and needed ppl so badly so the companies would be like well train you, here is your job 

who gets to be a ticktock star ? no degree, its just intresting (weird idea) 

overtime companies that exsist have gone done 

tech was not anyone could just make 

webcam - you go and you do it as long as your not hurting anyone else

the whole web is like 5 companies and 3 from china and 2 from russia 

40 years ago, 1st apple computer, election of ronald regan 
stop monolpolies , he was anti bcz he bleieved we didnt need it anymore 

back then, google wasnt allowed to buy youtube etc. 

every single eyewear brand is own by one and own every single retail like sunglasses, reading etc

in hollywood have been on strike bcz there is only 3 companies to represent them 
since april, everyscreen writier is on strike 

is not a tech change, its a global change, in everything 

like companies making tractors, there is only 2 now

its harder to start a eird idea and work for a sector or get e great deal 

things are being abusive, technology is spying 

trapped in wall gardens and if we climb over, we find ourselves in another one and bigger
Personal liberty - 

monopoly has been more powerful , few publisher 

what gives him hope- lawyer that studies history of copyright laws
there was a time when we didnt have the word ecology or environmental movement 

what unifies eveyone is that we all care about the living things on it. 
plurarism - power in many hands
self determination - make your own decsions 
poultyr producers only 2 

40 years ago we stop caring about these things 

more importzant than teaching the skill is how to approach 

tracks every student hacker public interest, 21 ways of hacking the system,

how to do it, what are its failure modes, how is this thing that puts us safe put us in danger

if you go to school in america, your school needs to have centership on networks that classifies your searches - paid money for this stuff

as a citizin, you are being kept safe, ground shifts underneath them, 
companies that provide these tools is to proivide these tools to national government
like south arbia 

work for the most operessisvie men on earth and repackagge this software for schools, 

freedom of information acts

can research corporate and go to pta and local newspaper and give a presentation and district of school 
we learned about technology 
$ change how it is spent and  

you do you 
adolecent how do you figure yourself out 

fatalism - doesnt matter what we do, things will be okay 
most important, what we do matters. 

3 week live watching election - undergrad teacher renasicance and pope
pope is elected by cardinals 
assigns everyone role, 3 weeks amke allainces, break alliances, and at the end of 4 weeks 
theater companies and and costumes
2 are always the same and 2 are always different, some people around them made a choice that made a differnece, how did hoe biden alays end up every year? they got there by choices made from 20 years ago or even 40 

we can make a difference all together or indivdually 
inspire them to hope 
although you cant figure how to get to the place you want to be, you will find it, inch by inch, doubling back and movieng forward --- underlying message of his work 

what work doe tech do and who for?
whos finger is on the botton, not who is going to push the botton 

advice: to leave off your writing half a sentence

1. how you feel about what you are writing at the momtn is different than the wuality of the work 


It's 7:59 a.m. I had to stay late night to finish an assignment and was woken up by my mother who insisted that 6:00 a.m. was already la...